Coppermine Photo Gallery - Your Online Photo Gallery

Coppermine Photo Gallery v1.5.20: Documentation and Manual

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About the documentation

This is the documentation for cpg1.5.x.
It is currently available in English mostly, but this will hopefully change in the near future.

Please understand that the English version of the documentation is the most complete and most up-to-date copy, as the English is the language spoken by the developers of Coppermine. Information in translations of the docs (i.e. everything else but English) may be missing, false or inaccurate. When in doubt, consult the English version of the documentation. Please understand as well that the dev team can not be held responsible for potential errors - the terms of the license and disclaimer apply to the docs as well, particularly to translations contributed by third-parties.

Please choose your language

Contribute to the documentation

We'd love to see your translation of the docs (or part of it) and we're looking forward to your contribution. However, please read the translation guide before you start.